Sunday, January 17, 2010

Screaming Deamons and Nefarious Nightmares!!!

Sorry I haven't written in a couple of days.  As I may have mentioned previously, my 20 year old daughter is getting married.  We were planning on the first of June.  Well, that isn't happening.  On Friday she asked me if we could squeeze in a wedding during my other daughter's spring break from school in March.  MARCH!  I'm supposed to put a wedding together between now and mid MARCH? Pant, pant, pant - someone give me a brown bag before I pass out!

You have to understand, when you're a Mormon, you don't have sex until you're married, which means you don't fudge around for a few years living together saving your money so you can turn into the ultimate Bridezilla and star on TV for spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a marriage that's got better than 50% odds not to last.  (At least you put on a good show - right?)

Ouch.  That's way too harsh. I'm not trying to pass judgement on other people.  We're all doing the best we can with what we've got.  All the same, it doesn't change my predicament.  Mormons tend to get married quick for some rather obvious reasons.  I mean, if you've been waiting all of your life to really BE with someone, who is the ultimate RIGHT someone, why put it off?

My husband and I got engaged the first part of December, but put off the wedding until mid May.  I'll tell you right now, it was way too long.  We put it off for the right reasons, trying to accommodate for family, etc., but if I could go back, I'd think twice about the delay aspect.  (Secret elopment comes to mind . . .) So who am I to judge my daughter?  I already told her she had to plan this thing around her sister's schedule because her sister has already been through enough hardship for one year.  That requirement is being met if she bumps things up to spring break.  Now I've just got to figure out how to pull it all together in a lot less time than I had expected.

What does this have to do with mental illness?  Not that everything I post here does have to be about mental illness, but in this cast I must note the stress factor.  I am quite literally obsessing over this thing.  (Ever heard of OCD?) It's got everything to do with my perfectionistic personality, thinking in terms of what is 'proper' and what is not. ('Proper' being a term I frist gained from my Mother, a true blue Southerner to  the core, which now extends to my own extensive east Texas heritage).

As a result of all this excitement, I'm suddenly going to be flying up to Utah on Wednesday morning to somehow attempt putting together arrangements for the whole show within less than 5 days.  At least I'm flying up there.  Can you imagine how I'd be going nuts if I couldn't fly up there for some reason?

I must say, however, that the boy she is wedding is outstanding.  If I must gain a son he's one of the best I could gain.   That is cool.  How many moms are happy about that aspect of things?  I'll deal.  Things will work out and be dreamy.  Brides are so silly.  They get all uptight about everything being the way they have always fantasized them to be, but when the moment arrives, it doesn't matter all that much.  What matters is that you are permanently attached to this incredible person you love.

Ok.  I'm taking in some deep, even breaths.  Oxygen is returning to my brain.  Once I see the price tag on everything I'll freak out again.  Knowing me, I'll be freaking out again within the next thirty minutes wondering how I'm going to put together a bunch of bridesmaid dresses.  You know, I don't think my husband fully appreaciates this enterprise.  Yes, I've been quite clear regarding the staggering cost, but just a few moments ago he was saying there was no way he was going to stand in a line with the bride and the groom to greet a bunch of strangers.  That's the trouble with weddings.  There are too many opinions that must be factored in.  I haven't even met her fiance's parents!

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