Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hope in ALL things

I've spent more than twenty years feeling the urgent need to share my experiences with depression. The trouble has always been that sitting down to get the job done was rather frankly, depressing. As contradictory as it may seem, you've got to be positive if you're going to survive mental illness. How do you hand out perky advice when every time you approach the subject, you end up feeling worse? I've made hundreds of attempts, only to give up, but this time will be different.

This time I'm breaking it down into smaller segments, thus the 'blog' concept. If I spit this out in regular chunks, good or bad, like it or not, what needs to be said will be said. My concience will be cleared. My pride, which tends to make me write and rewrite and then write again, will just have to deal. Pride has probably been my Achilles heel in the matter anyway.

So, here I am writing. I'm going to include my poems and explanations following my poems. Maybe if I just follow the trail of poems and stories, eventually it will become clear how very hopefull the world of depression, of mental illness for that matter, can truly be. As the scriptures say, I fully believe there is hope in all things. That includes depression. Maybe if you read more, you will know what I mean.

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