Monday, January 4, 2010

BE post

I wrote this poem at a time when my beautiful daughter was extremely suicidal.  It is one thing to be in the midst of your own emotional turmoil.  It is an entirely different matter when the person suffering is someone you love.  All of a sudden so many things I'd been obsessing over no longer mattered.  I needed her to hold on if for no other reason than to know that I truly, deeply, needed her to be.

Although I initially wrote it for my daughter, I came to quickly realize how it keenly applied to my husband and other two children.  They were all as essential to me as the air I breathe.  I desperately wanted them to know how important they were.

You think so little of yourself when you are depressed.  You imagine that the would would be a better place without you.  I knew all too well exactly how my daughter was feeling.  She did not want to exist any more.  The pain was too much.  But killing yourself is in fact, a selfish act.  We all have people around us who need us.  I have two dogs that would fall apart if one of us were hurt.  If my dogs care, how much more do the humans feel?  Never allow yourself the luxury of missjudging your own value.

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