Saturday, February 13, 2010

Take your Medication!!!

So today my daughter came home from school pretty much in total hysterics.  I haven't seen her so bad off in quite some time.  Between all of the crying and bits of barely coherent explanation, she was finally able to point out that she thought she had forgotten to take her medication, not once, but twice, for two whole days.

Suddenly cutting yourself off from your medication for whatever reason - intentional or otherwise - is not smart unless you're doing it under your doctor's supervision.  Feel bad, feel good, feel whatever - take your medication!  If it is someone you love who's taking the meds, do everything you can to make sure they stay on top of things.

I could embellish, and at some point, I probably will.  Off the top of my head I can think of at least three different 'take your medication!' type life experiences I've been through.  They'll get told soon enough.  But for now, NEVER FAIL to TAKE YOUR MEDICATION! : )

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